
Дългосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект в Испания

Автор: admin
Публикувано: 4.8.2018

Vodo вече години наред се утвърждава на онлайн пазара в България с дамска, мъжка и детска мода. От две години продължаваме нашето развитие към Румъния и държави от западна Европа.

Нашата основна концепция е да предлагаме артикули от ниския и средния ценови клас в три категории- обувки, дрехи, аксесоари. Всяка седмица нашата продуктова гама се обновява, което кара потребителите да се връщат при нас за нови покупки. Продукция се държи в складови наличности и при поръчка доставяме продукта в рамките на 1 работен ден.


Дългосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект в Ubeda, Jaen, Испания

08.10.2018-10.08.2019 /10 месеца/

Фондация “Звезден старт на таланти“, като изпращаща организация търси 1 доброволец на възраст от 22 до 30 години по дългосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект, който ще се реализира в Ubeda, Jaen, Испания

Прилагам инфо за проекта:

Volunteers we would like to host must be available for the whole project duration. For this reason, applicants who want to postpone the start or end before the due dates will not be considered.

We are looking for dynamic, creative, communicative and proactive persons able to face challenges positively.

Very welcome are volunteers who match the following characteristics:

–   Sport lovers

–   Independent users of Spanish language

–   Good communicative skills

–   Commitment to social volunteering

–   Sociability

–   Adaptability

–   Transversality

–   Responsibility

–   Ability to work in team

–   Skills in graphic design

–   Ability to gardening

We hope that whoever applies for this project has a great desire to contribute and learn, as well as the will to create relationships based on equity, mutualism and commitment.


–   implement  strategies for planning, preparation, implementation, evaluation and visibility of results

–   organization of social events with the aim of reaching an ever increasing number of young people

–   prepare training actions and workshops based on non-formal education methodology in order to develop pro-active learning tools and techniques

–   organize talks for the promotion of social volunteering and the

European Voluntary  Service

–   prepare a monthly  newsletter (for example, including the calendar of volunteer activities, events)

–   development of participatory leadership and tutorial techniques based on a non-formal education style

–   collaborate with the public administration to promote a greater multicultural  dimension of public services

–   organize activities to encourage active youth participation

–   collaborate with organizations that work with youth groups to raise awareness of the Erasmus + program and its benefits, especially in terms of skills acquisition and improving employability

–   help young people who are interested in participating in an

Erasmus + project from their own experience and knowledge

–   contribute to the maintenance  and adaptation of the municipal shelter that is going to become the international volunteer house

–   Enjoy the project as an opportunity  for the personal development of the volunteers involved.

Volunteer’s tasks:

– info sessions for the promotion of social volunteering

and European Voluntary Service in youth center and schools

– information about Erasmus+

– social events to attract young people and encourage their participation in local activities

– creation of posters and flyers for the diffusion of information about all the events promoted by the Youth Center of Úbeda

– activities in the local library

– language exchanges

– intercultural  and language workshops for      young people

– collaboration with non-profit entities

– sports activities

– workshops and activities for immigrants

– help to start up the international volunteer house

– start up of the organic garden

What to expect – learning outcomes:

– non-formal education methods and techniques to work with young people between the ages of 13 and 30

– learn about the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + program;

– improve knowledge of the European Union as well as its institutions and the rights of European citizens

– develop participatory leadership skills

– analyze and define communication strategies with activities directly linked to the project objectives

– explore linguistic tools and uses of Spanish and English mainly but also of other languages

– learn to work with young people

– improve skills in youth work

– discover and use strategic tools for the dissemination and exploitation of Erasmus + results (DEOR)

– learn to cooperate and coexist in a multicultural environment

– learn to solve personal and cultural problems through mediation

– learn and create a work environment based on equity, respect for diversity and environmental commitment

– develop strategic and long-term thinking through the planning

and execution of personal project and EVS activities

– become more self-sufficient, socially committed and exemplary citizens

Remember that  you are the only one who can decide how, when, why and what you want to learn. We will facilitate your learning process but efforts and willpower will have to come from you!

СПОРЕД ОБЩИТЕ ПРАВИЛА НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКА ДОБРОВОЛЧЕСКА СЛУЖБА“: Всички разходи на доброволеца по време на упражняване на доброволческата служба в определената държава / път, храна, застраховка, обучение по съответния език на държавата, вътрешен транспорт, джобни пари/ се ПОЕМАТ 100% от проекта.

Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати свое СВ на английски език+ снимка и конкретно мотивационно писмо на имейл: info@zst-bg.org