Дългосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект в Лимасол, Кипър
Дългосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект в Лимасол, Кипър
Началото на октомври 2018- за 6 месеца
Фондация “Звезден старт на таланти“, като изпращаща организация в партньорство с KEY – Innovation in Culture Education and Youth като посрещаща организация търси 1 доброволец на възраст от 18 до 30 години по дългосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект, който ще се реализира в Лимасол, Кипър в периода 25.09.2018-25.03.2019 /6 месеца/
Vodo вече години наред се утвърждава на онлайн пазара в България с дамска, мъжка и детска мода. От две години продължаваме нашето развитие към Румъния и държави от западна Европа.
Нашата основна концепция е да предлагаме артикули от ниския и средния ценови клас в три категории- обувки, дрехи, аксесоари. Всяка седмица нашата продуктова гама се обновява, което кара потребителите да се връщат при нас за нови покупки. Продукция се държи в складови наличности и при поръчка доставяме продукта в рамките на 1 работен ден.
Прилагам инфо за проекта:
THE PROJECT : “Volunesia” is an EVS project which aims to give “space” and “voice” to the youth the local society of Limassol and Cyprus by giving them the necessary help in order to be more active, to understand the benefits and values of voluntarism and implement their projects and their expectations. By doing this, young people will be creating a better society and a better world in which they will live, work, express themselves, create and act with their own respected way.
Four different EU countries will be joining the project and 4 volunteers will be sent to Cyprus (one from each country) in order for the project to be implemented. The duration of the project is 12 months and the actual activities will last 10 months (time when the volunteers will be in Cyprus). The participants will be 18-30 years old, with pleasant personalities, energetic, able to communicate and understand young people (especially those facing fewer opportunities). They will also be capable to learn and understand new things (theory, skills etc) and handle computers as well as social media.
ACTIVITIES : The Volunteers will have the chance to participate, support, design and implement several activities with and for young people of Limassol and in rural area of Cyprus. Those actions will reflect the needs of those people; they will correspond to the aims of our organisation and aim to help the society to improve. – Such actions might be street festivals, music and theatre festivals / workshops, non-formal and informal workshops, workshops regarding social inclusion, active participation and all kind of actions that will help young people to be improved as individuals.
Volunteers will also be participants during the implementations of those actions, but also they will have the space and the opportunity to lead and manage some of the activities mentioned above. Participants (volunteers) will not fill vacant places for personnel at the organization, but they will be acting according to the needs of the project, in cooperation and by helping the organization’s personnel, members and volunteers.
Additionally, the volunteers will have the opportunity to help the implementation of the charity work of the Church of Limassol and the Social Grocery Store (Limassol) and be active volunteers in order to serve people in need and especially youth.
EURODESK, from this year KEY as organization its official Youth Information Centre under Eurodesk Cyprus – Volunteers will have the chance to learn about ERASMUS+ project and provide information on European policies and opportunities that interest young people and those that work with/for young people.
*Activities and Schedule might be changed depends of Organisation needs and Volunteers interests.
The participants of the project will have a workload of 7 hours (average) on a daily basis – 5 days per week. Also, they can have 2 days off monthly and when the organisation needs them to work more time than the time mentioned above, more days-off are going to be added for them.
METHODOLOGY : The methodology used for the implementation of this project will be the use of non-formal and informal learning for cultivating skills, knowledge, attitudes and provide experience.
Participants will be benefited by gaining all the needed skills, attitude, knowledge, working experience about organising, designing and implementing projects / actions/ workshops for young people aiming their interests, understanding their needs and including them to the society. They will also be able to adapt in multicultural and multilingual environments, take initiatives and fulfil projects / actions. Also, they will be able to believe on themselves, understand their strengths and weaknesses and always try to improve themselves.
Finally, young people from Limassol will come in contact with those volunteers and with the activities implemented and they will gain knowledge, understand the meaning of volunteerism, its benefits to people and its contribution to the local and European society. Also, the youth of the local society of Limassol will get to know more about volunteerism, social work, social contribution and eventually they will become more sensitive regarding society matters.
ACCOMMODATION : The Volunteers will live in a house next to the organisation, in sharing rooms with the others volunteers. The house is fully equipped with all necessary things (electric appliances, beds etc.) and volunteers need only to bring their clothes and laptops. The organisation also owns 2 laptops that the volunteers can work on when they serve the organisation. The organisation also pays the electricity bills, internet bills, water bills and other taxes of both, the organisation and the volunteers.
* during the year as organization we host short term EVS volunteers for different kind of projects.
* Pocket Money : 230 euro per month | Free Lunch provided
СПОРЕД ОБЩИТЕ ПРАВИЛА НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКА ДОБРОВОЛЧЕСКА СЛУЖБА“: Всички разходи на доброволеца по време на упражняване на доброволческата служба в определената държава / път, храна, застраховка, обучение по съответния език на държавата, вътрешен транспорт, джобни пари/ се ПОЕМАТ 100% от проекта.
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