Интересен младежки обмен “Beauty in Diversity” в Насутов и Люблин, Полша 13-18 октомври 2018
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага интересен младежки обмен курс “Beauty in Diversity” в Люблин, Полша, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 13-18 октомври 2018 /12-19.10.2018 дати за пътуване/ и ще пътуват от България 5 участници на възраст 18-25 години.
Vodo вече години наред се утвърждава на онлайн пазара в България с дамска, мъжка и детска мода. От две години продължаваме нашето развитие към Румъния и държави от западна Европа.
Нашата основна концепция е да предлагаме артикули от ниския и средния ценови клас в три категории- обувки, дрехи, аксесоари. Всяка седмица нашата продуктова гама се обновява, което кара потребителите да се връщат при нас за нови покупки. Продукция се държи в складови наличности и при поръчка доставяме продукта в рамките на 1 работен ден.
Инфо за проекта:
Project description
Youth exchange “Beauty in Diversity” will take place in Nasutów, Poland on 13-18/10/2018.
The exchange will be attended by 20 photography enthusiasts aged 18-25 from 4 European countries:
Poland, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria, and 4 group leaders.
The main topic of the exchange will be the beauty and naturalness of people of different nationalities, shown with the use of cameras.
The exchange will serve the development of youth’s passion and promote international cooperation while promoting diversity.
During the exchange, participants will take part in workshops on portrait photography and social campaigns, which they will create on the basis of experience exchange, which will increase the participants’ self-confidence.
The exchange will allow the young people to develop the skills in the area they are passionate about and will influence the development of creativity and creative thinking.
Participation in the exchange will also influence the attitudes of tolerance towards cultural, religious or demonstrative differences, and will help to learn about the culture and customs of other countries.
As part of the exchange, young people will create a social campaign promoting diversity. The video will include photos of people of different nationalities taken by the participants, showing the beauty of every person regardless of his or her origin.
To take part in the project, contact the organization in your country:
Partner organizations
Poland: Fundacja Instytut Aktywizacji i Rozwoju Społecznego
Greece: Federation of Erasmus Student Network Greece
Bulgaria: The Starry Start of Talents Foundation
Travel details
Nasutów is a village located 12km from Lublin.
Some of our activities will be done in the center of Lublin.
Here you can find some information about the city:
How to get to us:
- To Poland – We recommend you taking a flight to Warszawa.
- To Lublin – There are many options. You can take a bus or a train, here you can find the tickets online: https://en.e-podroznik.pl/ https://www.flixbus.pl/
Buy normal ticket (Normalny). Sometimes Polish carriers do not respect discounts and discounts for foreign students. If you need any help, feel free to ask. - To Nasutów – We will help in local transport Lublin – Nasutów.
Nasutów 162A
21-025 Niemce
The House itself is located in the following distance from:
– grocery 1 km (12 minutes walk)
– petrol station 2 km (25 minutes walk)
– church 2 km (25 minutes walk)
– forest 1,5 km (20 minutes walk)
There is one room for 4, one room for 5 and one dormitory for 12 people as well as coordinator’s room for 3. There are 2 separate bathrooms in the House – men’s and women’s. Workshops room & room to play games and enjoy rest.
Fully equipped kitchen; Equipped with dishes, basic pottery and cutlery – available to be used for preparing own breakfasts by each participant (we provide ingredients). Hot Dinner & Supper provides catering.
Host’s message:
“We pay much attention to the philosophy of the House. We want it to be a place that is friendly and open for everyone to feel comfortable.
My freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins (Alexis de Tocqueville).
That’s why during your stay you are obliged to obey Rules of the House. Here are the most important ones:
– Cleaning after oneself
– Night hours: 23.00-6.00
– Energy saving and waste selection
Full list of the Rules of the House is displayed at the House and will be introduced on arrival.
We wish you creative and educational stay at our House!”
The travel costs will be reimbursed within the maximum amounts established by European Commission, as following:
Maximum travel reimbursement’s amount per participant:
Greece 275 EUR
Bulgaria 275 EUR
Romania 275 EUR
- The reimbursement will be done in presence of ALL travel bills and documents, please keep your travel tickets and boarding passes.
- The reimbursement will be done after IAiRS gets the approval of the final report from the Polish National Agency namely at least December 2018.
- Participants who will skip session will not be reimbursed.
Each national group will be responsible for organizing a national evening, presentation of interesting photographers’ works from their countries, sharing interesting social campaigns, collecting information about canons of beauty in their countries, for volunteers: preparing their portfolio, leading a workshop.
Group leaders will have the added responsibility of being a person of reference for his/her national group, to be in contact with the sending and hosting organization in case of need, to attend planned meetings for group leaders during the YE, to support the group in all the logistic tasks.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Има административна такса участие, която е по 40 евро на участник.
/Таксата се използва за администриране дейността на фондацията по подготовка, реализиране и последващи дейности по проекта, както и за изпълнение на всички задължения на изпращащата организация, съобразно ръководството на програмата „Еразъм +“. Част от таксата ще бъде дарена и за развитие на МЛАДЕЖКА МЕДИЙНА ГРУПА. /
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!
Beмo 99 OOД e бългаpcĸa фиpмa–пpoизвoдитeл нa виcoĸoĸaчecтвeни xpaнитeлни дoбaвĸи. Добавките са базирани на натурални билкови екстракти. Доказано ефективни, предназачени са за фитнес и спорт, както и за поддържане на здравето и либидото.
C гopдocт мoжeм дa зaявим, чe пpeз гoдинитe фиpмaтa изгpaди имидж нa пъpвoĸлaceн пpoизвoдитeл и пpoдyĸтите ни ca виcoĸo цeнeни и тъpceни нa мeждyнapoднитe пaзapи.
ВемоХерб® не са просто хранителни добавки. Ядрото на ВемоХерб® е изградено от хора, които са дълбоко убедени, че:
– здравето е ДАР от природата и този дар е естествен, както и продуктите, които ние предлагаме;
– човешкият организъм има всички необходими дадености да се поддържа в отлична спортна и здравословна форма, а ние само трябва да му помагаме.