Интересен младежки обмен “ Behind the scenes” в Кекед, Унгария 07-14. 07. 2018
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага младежки обмен “ Behind the scenes” в Кекед, Унгария, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 07-14. 07. 2018 с включени дати за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 5 младежи на възраст от 16 -25 години и 1 ръководител над 18 години.
Прилагам кратка информация за проекта:
6-6 representatives (5-5 youth and 1-1 leader, altogether 24) from 4 countries
(hungarian, spanish, slovakian, bulgarian) visit the exchange in Keked in the NorthHungarian Region to could examine the factors of the youth which is causes their unsuccessful situation in the labour market and blocking them to integrate into the field of work. They could find answers in a colorful cultural atmosphere by non formal learning tools, how can they prepare for these difficulties while they can get new experiences from each other and they can reorganize their experiences in new structure. Developing the situation of youths in the labor market is a very up to date topic in the European Union. We are processing this topic through presentations, workshops, debate situation games and the active participation of youngsters. There is a special priority give to the topic voluntarism – beside other program elements – as a tool of the successful integration into the labor market.
The Guesthouse is in Keked, which is a small village in Borsod-Abauj-Zemlen county near the Slovakian boarder. The Guesthouse is a great place for youth programs, nobody will bother us, the whole house will be ours. In the neighbour there is an other house what we can also use.
On the bigger house’s groundfloor you can find bathrooms, diningrooms and the kitchen. On the first floor there are the bedrooms. In the guesthouse have bathroom for the girls and for the boys too. In the project place have a kitchen, dining room, outdoor areas, fireplace and have wifi. In June the weather is warm but the nights can be cold. This is in the mountain near the forest. We will buy the food and everything else you need during the exchange. We will check your needs every day, but if you want to buy anything for your own account, you can take it in your free time, because there is small store in the village. We are planning outdoor cooking and grilling events at afternoon.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Има административна такса участие, която е по 50 евро на участник.
/Таксата се използва за администриране дейността на фондацията по подготовка, реализиране и последващи дейности по проекта, както и за изпълнение на всички задължения на изпращащата организация, съобразно ръководството на програмата „Еразъм +“./
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ + снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!
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