Интересен младежки обмен ”Go out, be in ” във Векшьо, Швеция 27 октомври-05 ноември 2018
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага интересен младежки обмен курс ” Go out, be in ” във Векшьо, Швеция, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 27 октомври-05 ноември 2018 с включени дни за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 5 участници на възраст 18-30 години.
Инфо за проекта:
The project “Go out, be in” is a Youth Exchange within Erasmus+. The participants will discover new ways of exploring outdoor activities at the countryside and urban landscapes and use these two environments to develop their own creative ideas, accessible to all. The main objective of this project is to better understand the differences and similarities of leisure and outdoor activities practiced by young people within the different countries and to create new methods that include youngsters with different backgrounds. During the activity week the participants will be organizing and participating in games, competitions, discussions and workshops connected with the main theme and will also create new methods for outdoor activities. The countries involved in this project are Sweden, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Spain. The exchange will take place in Växjö, Sweden.
Go out, be in VI
28th October to 4th November are activity days (8 days)
27th October and 5th November are travel days (2 days)
Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain
Participants in this exchange should be motivated to participate in outdoor activities in the nature and little bit in the city. They should be interested in group games, team building and outdoor experiences and comfortable with simple living conditions.
This exchange strives to be available for all, but in order for this it is important that we get all relevant information about the participants regarding allergies, special food requirements, mobility, need for special support and other aspects that might be relevant. (Please fill in the form here: https://goo.gl/w8r7yN )
This project will take place in a beautiful nature reserve called Osaby, where there is zero offer regarding any form of city life. It is a beautiful and calm place, near forest and lakes. So it is important for you to be aware that this training is NOT going to be in a city and for that reason, activities like shopping, city sightseeing and clubbing in the evenings are not going to be possible in most part of the training and free time. Get ready to discover Swedish nature and culture, go for nice walks in the forest or by the lake and enjoy cozy evenings getting to know your amazing fellow participants!
We will stay in Osaby’s hostel, where 2-4 people will share a room and there are shared toilets and showers in the hostel for all the participants. The hostel has a small kitchen where you can cook something simple or take a tea or coffee break with friends. We will however use the bigger kitchen and dining room for daily meals in the activity house. Participants must bring their own toiletries, towel, bed sheet, pillowcase and duvet cover since they are not provided. There is an opportunity to do laundry if necessary.
Participants should always keep the furniture in the hostel and house as it is if ever moved. It is also very important to keep the places tidy and clean after use. All participants are required to clean up their rooms before they leave.
There are very few bus connections from Växjö to Osaby and from Osaby to the nearest bus stop, there is a 4 km walk so always check the transportation availability before making a plan.
There will be no wifi so be ready to meet new people and befriend with the nature, a book or a game! 🙂
Participants will cook breakfast and dinner in small groups, every day. Ingredients will be provided by Projektor. Lunch will be prepared by Projektor team.
During the day, the participants will be active in creating their own activities and also participating in workshops, role-play, performances, presentations, competitions and games within the subjects of nature, environment, sports and health, culture and diversity. The evenings will be spent mostly indoors, where we will play games, hold cultural presentations and enjoy the coziness of Swedish countryside. A more detailed schedule will be sent out later on.
Oh, the weather in Sweden… 😉 You need to be prepared for cold and rainy weather. In this region the autumns are very different each year. Expect temperatures between 0 and +10, rainy and cloudy. Waterproof clothes and shoes are always good to have, warm jackets and multiple pairs of socks and even gloves and scarfs may come in handy if you are sensitive to the cold. Check the weather forecast before you pack! (But we don’t guarantee it would be accurate.)
Try to keep the area clean, cigarettes or any trash in the nature is unacceptable! In Sweden there is “allemansrätten” which allows everyone to roam freely within the nature and gives a person the right to access, camp, walk, cycle, ride, and camp on any land. However, in nature reserves like Osaby there are stricter rules, be sure to double check with the locals before you take action. Of course you have to take care of your surroundings which means that you must not harm or damage the nature or animals in a negative way. In Sweden, recycling is important so please follow the system.
Loud music is not encouraged since we will be in the nature and this would negatively affect the experience and it might disturb our landlord and his cows. Do not leave the area over the night without informing your group leader and organisers.
As Sweden has a rather strict rule for alcohol and youngsters, drinking is not recommended in the accommodation and surrounded area. The legal drinking age is 18 in Sweden, but you have to be over 20 years to purchase alcoholic beverages that contain more than 3.5% alcohol by volume in Systembolaget (only store to buy alcohol above 3.5% by volume). However, the taxes on alcohol are very high here in Sweden so buying alcohol is quite expensive.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Има административна такса участие, която е по 60 евро на участник.
/Таксата се използва за администриране дейността на фондацията по подготовка, реализиране и последващи дейности по проекта, както и за изпълнение на всички задължения на изпращащата организация, съобразно ръководството на програмата „Еразъм +“. Част от таксата ще бъде дарена и за развитие на МЛАДЕЖКА МЕДИЙНА ГРУПА. /
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!