Интересен тренинг курс “Enhance Collabration with Volunteerism”, Истанбул, Турция 26.11- 04.12. 2019
Интересен тренинг курс “Enhance Collabration with Volunteerism”, Истанбул, Турция
26.11- 04.12. 2019
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага тренинг курс “”Enhance Collabration with Volunteerism”, Истанбул, Турция, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Тренинг курсът ще бъде през периода 26.11- 04.12. 2019 и ще пътуват от България 2 участници на възраст над 18 години.
Инфо за проекта:
What is This Training Course About?
Our project aims to expand the network of Organizations for Volunteerism by bringing together the youth workers of active organizations and to increase the capacity of organizations in the network through the development of the competences of youth workers. Project has been planned within the scope of the Mobility of Youth Workers under Erasmus+ Programme and will be held between 26 November-4 December 2019 (7 working days and 2 travel days) in Istanbul with 31 participants from Program countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, UK, Czech Republic, Romania, Italy, Estonia, France, Sweden, Slovakia and Turkey).
The objectives of our project are:
– To approach holistic towards topic of volunteerism with youth workers active in Volunteering Projects.
– To increase the competence of youth workers working in Volunteering Projects (on Project Cycle Management, Strategic Plan Preparation, Volunteer Management and Dealing with Ambiguity; therefore, to increase the capacity of the organization the work in,
– Youth workers and organizations working under Volunteering Projects meet and join the network of Organizations for Volunteerism,
– Ensure that non-accredited organizations initiate accreditation procedures at the end of the process by creating an environment for experience sharing between accredited and non-accredited organizations,
– To ensure that young people with fewer opportunities in Volunteering Projects are addressed.
The methodology we will use within the scope of our project is based on non-formal education, and the activities we will carry out to achieve the objectives of the project are as follows:
– Getting to know each other, ice breakers, team building activities
– European Youth Strategy 2020 and Erasmus + information workshop
– The philosophy of volunteerism and the history of volunteering activities
– Volunteer management
– Conflict resolution, risk management, crisis management, dealing with ambiguity
– Methods on working with young people with fewer opportunities and to involve them to the activities
– Good practice examples of the experiences of the participants and the participating organizations in Volunteering Projects
– Analysis of local impact in volunteering projects
– How to make a strategic plan
– Q session: Accreditation for Volunteering Projects
http://www.sariyer.bel.tr/Icerik/ kilyos-sosyal-tesisleri/180
WHEN: 26 November 2019 – 04 December 2019
WHERE: Kilyos, Sarıyer/İstanbul
(Kumköy, Tatlısu Cd. No:2 Sarıyer/İstanbul)
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Има административна такса участие към изпращащата организация, която е по 40 евро на участник.
/Част от таксата ще бъде дарена за развитие на МЛАДЕЖКА МЕДИЙНА ГРУПА и радио СТАРТ!/
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ + снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
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