Интересен тренинг курс „Intimate responsibility – support for pro-health behaviors of young people” в ZĄB, Полша 11-16.11.2019
Интересен тренинг курс „Intimate responsibility – support for pro-health behaviors of young people” в ZĄB, Полша 11-16.11.2019
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага тренинг курс „Intimate responsibility – support for pro-health behaviors of young people” в ZĄB, Полша, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Тренинг курсът ще бъде през периода 11-16.11.2019 и ще пътуват от България 3 участници на възраст над 18 години.
Инфо за проекта:
Training will take place between 11.11.2019-16.11.2019 – these days are for training. For travel it will be on 10.11.2019 and 16/17.11.2019.
Our meeting will be in ZĄB, Poland – it is mountain region of Poland. We will send you more information in few weeks – also about specific travel details.
Each team will have 3 participants, who are specialists in the field of workingu with youth and have experience in sexual education area. It can also be 2 specialists and 1 „beginner” – as we want to create a opportunity to learn and gaining knowledge.
For specialists and beginners – there is NO AGE LIMIT!– we are looking for people who work with youth on daily routine and have finished education in fields of social work, law, pedagogics, psychology ETC. We will be speaking only in English, so participants should feel comfortable in using it.
The main goal of the project is to organize in Poland training for professionals working with young people, that concentrate on building normal, mature attitudes towards intercourse, relationships and parenthood (including making informed decisions about it).
The action is also aimed at preventing risky sexual behavior and health promotion. Joint training (6 days + 2 days of travel) is aimed at improving the skills of professionals working with youth (pedagogues, psychologists, social workers) in the field of sex education, how to provide reliable information to young people about their sexuality and prevention of inappropriate attitudes and behaviors.
The necessity to implement the project is related to the great difficulty of the professionals working with youth in conducting preventive activities, but also individual conversations with the youth regarding sexuality. Limitations, that are usually a result of cultural conditions, are causes why the teenagers do not have reliable knowledge about sexuality, so they get information from inappropriate sources (including pornography). Across Europe, there is a decline in the age of sexual initiation, which does not go hand in hand with information and prevention. The training will enable the participants to facilitate work with young people, will allow them to deal with many difficult subjects (not to avoid them) and will result in building appropriate attitudes among final beneficiaries – young people with whom they work on a daily basis. Undertaken training activities, but also preparation of a scenario of preventive workshops for young people, will support
the professionals in solving important problems such as early abandonment of education (related to both early parenthood and addictions).
As part of the project, a 6-day training in Poland for professionals working with youth will be organized. The main topics are: sex education, prevention of risky behaviors and prevention of premature. The participants of the training will actively take part in the preparation and conduct of the training (they will be both trainers and recipients).
As part of the training, a scenario of preventive workshops will be created (in cooperation with all participants), which will be implemented and disseminated in the networks of all national partners. The participants of the training are people associated with partner organizations working on a daily basis with young people and having a degree in law, psychology, social work or pedagogy. In total, 27 specialists from 8 countries will take part in the training.
All teams should prepare:
– few ice-breakers – funny, integrating short excercises to help us not to fall asleep during days of hard work J
– Presentation (not in PowerPoint) about their work (what they do, what they want to do) and sending NGO.
– Each group will conduct one evaluation of the day of training – teams should be prepeare with activities, which will sum up the training day, experiences, learning outcomes (30 minutes to do it with all participants) – which later will be used in youthpass certificate. Please, provide evaluation which will leave something in written form.
– Team Liders would facilitate an intervision – learning by doing – where we will work on case studies. These will be an opportunity to learn from real situations and to know how we can work better; each participants shall prepare case study regarding working with youth (background of client’s story, development of problematic behaviours, steps taken to provide help, help offering, solutions, outcome) in written form.
– Each team should prepare an intercultural evening – presenting their country, national food, music, beliefs in activities form!
– Each of participant should prepare 1 case study of their own work. By case studies we understand: story of a pupil/client – his or her background, family situation and problems that he/she had to face. Why they happened? How she/he reacted to it? What our client did? Second part of case study is what we, as employees, did to make her/his situation better. How the contact building looked like? What tools and methods we used? What was our plan? And, finally, how it all ended. Important part of it is how we felt during working on that case.
We will use these stories mainly on intervision and in workshops.
– Intervision: we, they, system – (all partners) – With the use of sociotherapeutic techniques, participants will work out their borders interwoven and ways to secure them in an aid contact – for example in the relationship with an aggressive person, emotionally blackmailing, manipulating and collecting helpful methods in dealing with specific contact. The second area of intervention will be work in the system – overworking frustration resulting from blockages and systemic barriers to preventing risky sexual behaviors and its consequences.
– Evaluation of training days – (all partners) – All participants will take part in the debate summarizing the substantive content of the project. Each team should conduct one evaluation of day. Applications and reflections will be collected, their material for evaluation of the final project. In addition, in the report on various workshop and sociotherapeutic methods. Assessment in the field of organization and logistics.
– Intercultural evenings – fun and learning about other countries, energetic and playful ways to integrate the group.
– Dissemination of the project:
- a) evaluation,
- b) Planning dissemination activities, division of tasks, building a network of contacts (all partners)
- c) working on e-publication – Participants will start working on a scenario of prevention workshop dedicated to youth about risky sexual behaviours. The guide will have a set of good practices and innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to the phenomena. E-publication will be finally distributed to non-governmental organizations operating locally in partner countries. Groups will use materials developed during the course, they will develop them in text and graphic form.
- D) dissemination results and outcomes:
– one workshop conducted in native countries to youth, using scenario created during training,
– one dissemination meeting among other coowrokres of sending organization.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
По проекта има такса към изпращащата организация- 50 евро на участник.
/Таксата ще бъде дарена за развитие на МЛАДЕЖКА МЕДИЙНА ГРУПА и радио СТАРТ- единственото радио в България за популяризиране и подкрепа на детско и младежко творчество/
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!