
Интересен тренинг курс ”Migration – Integration” в Подгорица – Бар, Черна гора 03-08 юни 2018

Автор: admin
Публикувано: 10.5.2018



Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага тренинг курс ”Migration – Integration” в Подгорица – Бар, Черна гора, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Тренинг курсът ще бъде през периода 03-08 юни  2018 и ще пътуват от България 4 участници  на възраст  над 18 години.

Участващи държави: България, Унгария, Гърция, Турция, Сърбия, Косово, Албания и Румъния

Инфо за проекта:

Themes of the TC:

 The topic of our training course is migration. We focus on two main issues:

– the immigration related issues in connection to refugee crisis and discrimination

towards immigrantsand

– emigration of young people in connection to youthunemployment.

Youth unemployment forces young people to move out of their country, and in new country they often face social exclusion and discrimination as immigrants. They lack support in their country of origin from youth workers (who could advise them on different opportunities about mobility) and they lack support in their country of destination where youth organizations should be able to include them. This is situation of emigration countries, but also attention should be drawn to immigration countries and inclusion of immigrants (especially refugees). Europe is already having more immigration than ever before, so also this topic should be addressed. Each country has specific experience, and it should be shared. Our training course brings together youth workers across Europe to discuss the topics of migration and mobility in Europe and its consequences to youth and youth work. According to International Organization for Migration (IOM) more than million immigrants came to Europe from outside. Additionally there is even bigger migration going on inside Europe, which is constantly increasing. There are different triggers and causes, push and pull factors for migration which affects everyday life of all Europeans. There is forced migration and voluntary migration, different reasons and consequences of migration

whichhaveledtonewmigrationroutes.Migrationisoftenseenasopportunity, promoted and supported by different government and European Union programmes, but it is also seen as a problem, often connected with raising xenophobia and discrimination against immigrants. All Europe is affected by migration, and especially young people, who are one of the most mobile groups and the ones who determine how the future Europe will look like. For this it’s important that people working with young people would be aware of the causes, opportunities and consequences of migration and could support both – young emigrants and immigrants by creating opportunities, fighting discrimination and providing support these young peopleneed.

So the overall aim of this seminar to train youth workers, youth leaders being

aware of different migration schemes in Europe and know how to deal with challenges resulting from migration and how to use opportunities created by migration in their work with young people. Our participants will be ready to develop projects connected to migration and mobility, engage young migrants in their activities and foster mobility among youth. They can also help to change the general image of migration in society and promote tolerance and positive attitude towards immigrants (and refugees in particular) in society.

Learning objectives of the 2nd TC are:

– Exchange of experience and good practice in youth work, related to international/local migration and mobility and its influence on young people in Europe;

– Improving competences about different (youth) mobility opportunities in Europe;

– Promote European cooperation between youth organisations to promote youth

mobility and engage youth with immigrant backgrounds in organizations’ activities;

– Develop new initiatives in the field of migration and mobility for young people within

the framework of Erasmus+ programme.

The methodology of the long term TC:

The project will be based on non-formal educational methodology. Participants will learn about key terms of migration, history of migration, triggers and causes

ofmigration(including personal and social causes), push and pull factors and media impact.

Participants will have chance to exchange experiences and learn from other countries’ experiences. They will also learn about different methods to use to cope with migration and refugee issues and raise awareness about it, but also how to involve people with different cultural background (who immigrants usually are) in activities with local community. We will talk about mobility options in European Union for young people (like European Voluntary Service,etc.).

We plan to use non-formal methods, such as group work, role-play, simulations, reflection, online research, movie, work in pairs, practical workshops, activity in town etc.

The experiences and realities of participants, as youth workers  and  youth  leaders,  will be the starting point of the programme  and  of  the  learning  process.  A range  of working methods will be used  which  will  facilitate  learning  and  exchanging

experiences about migration and work withmigrants.

As migrants (especially refugees) are often in situations where they might be marginalized or could fall into poverty, it is very important to include them in society and create equal chances for everyone by including them in social, economic and cultural life. From the other side there are opportunities for the young people in difficult situations (unemployed, school drop outs etc) who could take advantage of migration by using the mobility programmes such as European Voluntary Service and gain new skills abroad and in this way improve their chances to be fully involved in European society. However, in this case it’s important to make sure that the young people know about t heir rights in EU and will not let their rights be violated.

По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 180 евро.

Има административна такса участие, която е по 50 евро на участник, която ще се приспадне при възстановяването на транспортните разходи!

/Таксата се използва за администриране дейността на фондацията по подготовка, реализиране и последващи дейности по проекта, както и за изпълнение на всички задължения на изпращащата организация, съобразно ръководството на програмата „Еразъм +“./

Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org

Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!


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