Интересен тренинг курс „STAY HUMAN! 4“ във Vlintenholt, Холандия 07-15.10.2019
Интересен тренинг курс „STAY HUMAN! 4“ Vlintenholt, Холандия 07-15.10.2019
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага тренинг курс „STAY HUMAN! 4“ във Vlintenholt, Холандия, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Тренинг курсът ще бъде през периода 07-15.10.2019 с включени дни за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 3 участници на възраст над 18 години.
Инфо за проекта:
The Stay Human! 4th edition is a Human Rights education programme that connects both theory and real-life practice in a non-formal programme. Most of all, Stay Human connects countries, partners and human rights topics. Stay Human! 4th edition is the successor of the Stay Human! Human Right Education Programme 1, 2 & 3 that took place in 2016, 2017 & 2018. These 3 editions have created a growing Stay Human! community of young EU people that started to organize local and EU human rights activities. This is what we envisaged as partnership 4 years ago; a peer based Human Rights education programme run by young people from different European countries. From all Stay Human editions, a group of 25 alumni is collaborating to realize the 4th edition of Stay Human. This edition continues to build on the foundations laid down by the first 3 programmes but based on a fairly large analysis amongst all SH alumni and partners from previous editions, the focus of Stay Human! 4 is strongly oriented at equipping young people and partner organizations to implement local human rights initiatives.
We hereby present you Stay Human! 4th edition;
Objectives of Stay human! 4 programme:
- In accordance with the Council of Europe we wish to empower young people to become responsible citizens, educators and advocates for human rights.
- We aim to show how human rights issues differ on a regional level and to gain better understanding of the historical and geographical aspects of human rights matters.
- We want to create awareness among young people about Human Rights and stimulate them to take an active role in promoting, educating & advocating these rights in their local realities
- We want to support young people and partners to transform the HR education on European level into local action.
- We aim to support young people and youth workers in the creation of HR tools that can be used for local action (advocacy, activism and/or educational tools).
- SH alumni that have participated either as a group leader or participant in a former SH edition.
- New partners/trainees active in the field of human right education and /or experienced Youth leaders/facilitators.
- Willing to take a role in fine-tuning the YE programme together with all the others and work in a non-hierarchical way.
- Proficient in English
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
По проекта има следните такси:
- Към посрещащата организация- 5 евро на участник
/Таксата ще се приспадне при възстановяване на транспортните разходи/
- Към изпращащата организация- 25 евро на участник.
/Таксата ще бъде дарена за развитие на МЛАДЕЖКА МЕДИЙНА ГРУПА и радио СТАРТ- единственото радио в България за популяризиране и подкрепа на детско и младежко творчество/
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!