
Интересен тренинг курс “YOUTH COMING! “, Болоня, Италия 15-22.10. 2019

Автор: admin
Публикувано: 11.6.2019


15-22.10. 2019



Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага тренинг курс “YOUTH COMING! “, Болоня, Италия, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Тренинг курсът ще бъде през периода 15-22 октомври 2019 и ще пътуват от България 4 участници  на възраст  между 20-35 години.





Инфо за проекта:



The main objectives of our action are:

– Prevent the marginalization and radicalization of young people themselves.

– Promoting quality improvements in the context of youth socio-educational activity.

– Provide youth workers with skills and methods for their professional development necessary to transfer the fundamental values of our society.

– Improve the level of knowledge and key competences of young people and promote their participation in democratic life in Europe and the labor market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity.

– Improve the international dimension of youth activities.

– Increase the capacity of youth leaders and youth organizations to support young people well being and empwerment.

The working method used for the partner organization’s youth working are all non-formal and informal.

They include:

  1. Support and accompanying for the youth formation, listening them and giving them information, support, spaces and opportunities
  2. Direct involving of youth in the analysis, definition and implementation of the international exchange projects.
  3. Promote the partecipation to social and group actions
  4. Use artistic and creative disciplines (theatre, art counselling, music, dance, drawing, comics) to help the youth to express theirself without the limits of traditional comunication’s way and increase their creativity, positivity and integration.


The protagonists of YOUTH COMING! are 24 youth workers (aged 20-35) from Malta, Turkey, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain and Italy (4 for each country group, on average 3 female and 1 male).

Many European youth workers show difficulties in involving and activating young people at risk of social exclusion or segregation in the initiatives and training activities dedicated to them. These difficulties are a source of stress and frustration because they affect the effectiveness and performance of their engagement with and for the young people they work with every day. This condition reflects equally negatively on the young people themselves, who do not benefit from the full potential of the work of youth leaders to increase their level of integration and participation in social life.

YOUTH COMING! is a project aimed at strengthening the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values of youth workers on the social inclusion of young people and on the recognition and promotion of the value of diversity; in particular, our project with youth leaders aims to strengthen their skills in achieving this goal with young people at risk of social exclusion or marginalization with which they operate and / or that gravitate in their community and that they would like to involve and make more participating.

We know, in fact, that there is a great number of young Europeans who risk remaining on the margins of society and not developing fully as individuals and as European citizens. Our intervention aims to create a facilitated discussion spree between participating youth workers to share information, data, best practices and knowledge on the social inclusion of young people between operators partner organizations and their countries; it also intends to increase the skills of youth leaders through the acquisition of effective, informal and “youth friendly” techniques and methodologies.

With this aim, we will organize a comic book and street art workshop, held by a cartoonist trainer and illustration artist and web graphic designer,  to  provide  youth workers with  effective  and  creative  tools to engage and communicate with young people in their organization and community. We have chosen the art of comics as main methodology for the workshop that we will organize because it’s popular, creative and contemporary and because it’s able to relate the imaginary (desires and aspirations) and tell the present (reality made of diversity), thus stimulating young people to reflect and to communicate their needs, visions and potentials.

The themes and contents of the training course on social inclusion are structured around the relation between self-expression and self-involvement, a goal that is well linked to the choice of partnership to use in particular the art of comics and street art.

The activity program was structured by YOUTH COMING! partners in the co-definition phase of the project; the main lines of intervention of the proposed action can be summarized as follows:

  • create and offer facilitated discussion spaces among participants to share information, data, best practices and knowledge on the social inclusion of young people and the diversity between partner organizations and their countries, through sharing of the best practices of each organization, debates with topic proposed by facilitator, group reflections and methods and experiences comparison with experts in inclusion strategies and social-welfare sector operators.
  • we have decided to schedule a part of the program to meet special speakers, expert actors working with and for social inclusion at different levels, who will talk and discuss with the participants their experiences and considerations on the topic (eg visit at ONG organizations of Bologna);
  • we will organize a comics and street art workshop, held by a young cartoonist, illustrator and web graphic designer, to provide youth workers with effective and creative tools to engage and communicate with young people in their organization and community, especially those harder to reach and involve, in risk of poverty, social exclusion and marginalization. In the final phase of the workshop, participants will create a murales and also graphic products to publish and share on social media, to raise and increase awareness of the value of diversity and social inclusion of young people.


To have a good time together we invite all the participant to follow all the rules.

  • No drugs
  • No alcohol drinks during activities
  • Attendance to project activity programme is mandatory
  • Respect of the places and spaces that will host the project
  • Respect of each other
  • To be on time
  • The project will be held in English language. The participants should have at least basic understanding of this language.


We believe that it’s important that all participants feel responsible for their behaviour and for the success of the exchange. For this reason, we ask each participant of each group to give a 50,00€ deposit to confirm his or her participation. The deposit will be returned at the end of the exchange, or held in case of damage to properties/space or non respect of the activity program and/or budget.

По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.

Има административна такса участие към изпращащата организация, която е по 60 евро на участник.


Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ + снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!