
Краткосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект в Левкада, Гърция 02 юли-02 август 2019

Автор: admin
Публикувано: 13.5.2019

Краткосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект в Левкада, Гърция

02 юли-02 август 2019


Фондация “Звезден старт на таланти“, като изпращаща организация в партньорство с Solidarity Tracks-Гърция като посрещаща организация търси 2 доброволци на възраст от 18 до 30 години по краткосрочен ЕДС/EVS доброволчески проект, който ще се реализира в Левкада, Гърция в периода 02 юли-02 август 2019г.

Ще сме изключително благодарни ако отделите малко време за нашата анкета и дадете своите предпочитания за предложените дейности.

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When we share a meal, we think about what gathers us and not about our differences. Cooking creates contacts between people and favors the intercultural dialogue by the mixture of the flavors. We consider that the cuisine is an essential tool for social inclusion. Carried by this idea, with our partners, we want to set up a project which includes the gastronomy as a vector of insertion and social diversity. This project will affect essentially the young people, in particular the most disadvantaged and those with specific needs, in order to develop skills in this domain and to be able to find their place in the society. For these reasons, we want to set up a short-term volunteering project related with the gastronomy and the local traditional dishes by hosting 22 volunteers from 9 European countries for helping to prepare and implement the 6th edition of the Lefkadian Gastronomy festival (Greece).

This project joins an approach of citizen participation, support for the local initiatives and the development of soft skills for youth, especially the ones with fewer opportunities. It also answers to the need to involve these youths in an international experience related with the local gastronomy and the conservation of the immaterial heritage. This project will contribute to the development of our community and the promotion of the volunteering activity as one pillar of development and solidarity.

This mobility will take place in Lefkada, Greece, from 2nd of July till 2nd of August 2019 (dates to be confirmed). It will gather 22 volunteers from Bulgaria, France, Italy, Romania, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Turkey and Tunisia, including young people with fewer opportunities and special needs. The volunteers will deeply be involved in this project by participating in the preparation, the implementation and the scattering of the results concerning the “Lefkadian Gastronomy Festival”, organized for 5 years in Lefkada.

The volunteers will take part in the sixth edition of this festival. During one month, they will lead a large scale common project at the local level. They will become more open-minded by meeting youth from other countries and by exchanging best practices. They can develop numerous knowledge and skills regarding project management, promotion (by the realization of radio programs, press articles, as well as the creation of videos of dissemination and a manual grouping all the recipes chosen by the volunteers for the festival), intercultural mediation and technical know-how connected with restaurant businesses and cooking. Besides, these youths will become more sensitive about the value of the local culinary heritage, susceptible to favor their employability. To reach this objective, this mobility will include varied, intercultural workshops according to the principle “to think globally and act locally”. The volunteers will be encouraged to develop their own local initiatives and to exchange best practices with their pairs. In a multicultural context, and by following methods of non formal education, they will benefit from essential tools and capacities related with project management and especially in the culinary domain to be open to new professional perspectives.


The main objective of our project is to involve young people of diverse cultures, needs and backgrounds in the preparation and implementation of a joint project; the Lefkadian Gadtronomy festival, to develop capacities for social inclusion, while valuing cultural and culinary specificities as part of a volunteering project.

We want also to reach more specific objectives which are:

1-         To favor the youth inclusion, especially youth with fewer opportunities and/or special needs, through gastronomy.

2-         To develop the organizational and entrepreneurial capacities and soft skills of young volunteers through their active participation in the preparation, implementation and promotion of the Lefkadian Gastronomy Festival.

3-         To promote local culinary heritage and cultural tourism in our region.

4-         To valorize youth volunteering in our local communities.


The volunteering activities are related with the preparation and implementation of two events: the Lefkadian Gastronomy festival and the dissemination event during which the volunteers will share the results of their volunteering projects and implement their own event in order to promote helthy lifestyle and food to the local communities.

The activities for the festival will be divided into two phases:

1- A first phase concerns the preparatory activities of the festival. The volunteers will be divided into three groups to design and plan the activities. They will have to divide the tasks between them concerning the cooking and the choice of the recipes to be realized, the logistics (in particular in terms of mediation with the partners and the local population, animations and preparation of the stands during the festival), as well as the promotion of the event.

2- A second phase is focus on the implementation of the festival: cooking, establishment of the stands presenting their food recipes by country, support for the animations and for the practical organization of the festival, as well as the media coverage of the event (photos, video, radio, etc.).

All the activities of preparation and implementation will be done in intercultural groups. The cooking part will be prepared by national group. The working methods will be defined in advance following the preparation meetings with the volunteer supervisor.

The second event will be dedicated to the dissemination of the results. The volunteers will create their own event by taking part into four working groups:

         A group who will prepare and disseminate the results of the event, their activities and their initiatives through videos and photos in order to promote the festival and the volunteering activities.

         A group who will create a recipe manual of the dishes presented during the festival.

         A group who will prepare and disseminate articles in local, national & European media, included via our electronic magazine Green O’clock: www.greenoclock.gr.  They will also create and broadcast radio programs on the Orange radio (www.tamonopatia.org /https://orangeradionet.wordpress.com).

         A group who will organize workshops for the local community during the event in order to promote the slow, sustainable and healthy food.

During this last phase, the volunteers will also be able to complete their Youthpass and prepare their final video presenting their volunteering experience.

ARTICIPANT’S PROFILE The volunteer should:

–           Be between 18 and 30 years old.

–           Have a cooking experience.

–           Be familiar with the new technologies.

–           Be tolerant, motivated by the topic and the mission, keep the good mood and accept fully the hosting condition.


The volunteers are expected to be hosted in one school of Lefkas. This will be confirmed later on according to the decision of the municipality of Lefkas). The above mentioned school is located in the centre of the town, at the seaside, very close to cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, internet café, etc.

The classrooms will be equipped with camping beds for the volunteers who will share the rooms according to the gender balance.

A part of your working activities will take place in the covered school yard. Please note that you will have a limited access to internet in the school.


We will provide all the necessary tools in order for you to prepare and have your breakfast in the school.

Before the festival the preparation of the food, for lunch and dinner, will be done by national teams of volunteers. In this way you will have the possibility to experiment the chosen recipes for the festival and in the same time to cook your own food for the entire volunteers group. For this, you will have access to a kitchen (located in another place).

After, the festival, we will collaborate with a local association to provide you lunch and dinner.

During your free days you will receive 5€ per day in order to manage the food by your own.


You will receive 150€ for the entire month.

СПОРЕД ОБЩИТЕ ПРАВИЛА НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКА ДОБРОВОЛЧЕСКА СЛУЖБА“: Всички разходи на доброволеца по време на упражняване на доброволческата служба в определената държава / път, храна, застраховка, обучение по съответния език на държавата, вътрешен транспорт, джобни пари/ се ПОЕМАТ 100% от проекта.

Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати свое СВ на английски език+ снимка и конкретно мотивационно писмо на имейл: info@zst-bg.org




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