Младежки обмен “Career Explorers”, Хорезу, РУМЪНИЯ 11-21 декември 2019
Младежки обмен “Career Explorers”, Хорезу, РУМЪНИЯ 11-21 декември 2019
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага младежки обмен “Career Explorers”, Хорезу, РУМЪНИЯ , финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 11-21 декември 2019 и ще пътуват от България 7 младежи на възраст от 18 -30 години.
Прилагам кратка информация за проекта:
The organizers:
“Initiative Sociale” Association is a NGO that has been created in July 2012 by the founders who wish to produce changes in youth mentalities and to motivate the young generation to cooperate for a better society and to motivate them in taking initiative.
“Initiative Sociale” is an association of young people and its mission is to promote and implement non-formal programs for the young generation.
Our objectives and mission are to create and develop national and international youth exchanges, programs to promote European partnership among young people, professional development of European standards and practice, to organize summer schools and conferences, to promote social initiatives among young people, to create and develop different programs regarding orientation and professional counseling.
We would also like to concentrate on promoting social economy and social entrepreneurship; we would like to offer support and provide technical assistance to young people who want to start a business, especially the social business initiatives.
Also, we would like to provide support in creation and development of programs for democracy among young people and will promote the concept of Active European Citizenship.
Another objective is to create partnerships with private companies, NGOs and public institutions to create projects for our community and social initiatives among young people.
АРТ ЦЕНТЪР „GLP VOICE” предлага индивидуално обучение на деца и младежи с композитора и вокалния педагог Grisha Petkov.
Възпитаниците получават вокална и теоретична подготовка, придобиват умения за работа с микрофон, сценично поведение и хореография. Имат занимания и в звукозаписно студио.
The project:
The “Career Explorers” project is a multilateral youth exchange organized under E+ framework, to be held in Horezu, Romania, between December 11 and December 21st, 2019 (including travel days).
The purpose of the project is to increase the level of knowledge, attitudes and skills (to know how to write a resume and cover letter, to know how to apply for a job or how to act at a job interview, etc.) and how to become active on the labor market for 36 young people aged 18-30 and 6 group leaders (without age) from the 6 participating countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Spain, Romania and Turkey) for a period of 9 days.
The objectives of the project are aligned with the E+ objectives:
– Support young people to acquire skills that aim at their personal development, but also to increase employment opportunities on the labor market. Following the project, P will take concrete steps to find a job.
– Increasing employability and improving career prospects for young people. Discussions on how to choose a proper career, analysis based on personality tests and personal experiences will help young people better choose the next job, thus increasing the chances of building a long-term career.
– Through this project we try to respond to the priority: supporting the employability of young people with fewer opportunities (economic, social, but especially NEET).
Non-formal education methods suggested are designed to support the promotion of active citizenship among young people, to develop participatory attitude, to support reflection, tolerance and also the integration of intercultural differences. The non-formal methods included are various; these include verbal and non-verbal communication, visual communication, written communication.
The youngsters (no TL) whom participate in this exchange will also receive at the end of the mobility, the Youthpass certificate, that validates the competencies acquired through the participation in the project activities.
* The Youth Exchange is a project where young people work and live together in an international group for a specific time. It consists of preparation, implementation, and follow-up activities. For the duration of the Youth Exchange, young people undertake a joint programme of activities with specific aims and objectives.
Youth Exchanges foster the mobility of young people in Europe. They encourage initiative and creativity in young people, facilitate their active participation in the project, and thereby provide an intercultural learning experience.
Please, keep in mind that this project is NOT a training course (so, there will not be trainers and we will not have guests like experts, teachers and so on); this project is a YOUTH EXCHANGE.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 180 евро.
Няма административна такса към изпращащата организация!
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ + снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
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