Младежки обмен “EUROPEAN FOOD CULTURE” в Lake Mailathpuszta, Унгария 15-30. 07. 2018
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага младежки обмен “EUROPEAN FOOD CULTURE” в Lake Mailathpuszta, Унгария, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 15–30. 07. 2018 с включени дати за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 6 младежи на възраст от 18 -30 години.
Прилагам кратка информация за проекта:
“European Food Culture” project will be the 8th large youth exchange project in history of Sustainable Ormansag Nonprofit Ltd.
Since 2015 migration crisis and future of EU are more and more serious topics and dividing EU countries. In the present political and media situation we would like to bring closer different culture without any negativity like it is commonly presented.
We would like to show that EU political problems connected to the new migrants situation don’t suppose to close our European society to the other people. Interculturalism this is the field which contains ideas like tolerance, commends distinctness which make the base for integration. Because it is so important to promote that and see it wider then only the problem of the contemporary Europe. Our goal is integration of the participants, expanding the knowledge of the participants regarding intercultural subject, expanding the knowledge of the participants regarding the history of Europe, expanding the knowledge regarding the presence of the new culture in Europe. European cuisine is as varied as the many countries that make up Europe. While there are many differences between the various cuisines that fall under the term of European cuisine, there are also similarities. The history of Europe can be tasted in the food, as many of these dishes are thousands of years old. The culture of European countries is maintained in their dishes which are able to formalize unity and ensure easy recognition of European values such respecting cultural and linguistic diversity. In addition the project activities promoting self sufficient and healthy lifestyle, creative entrepreneurship, intercultural dialogue and common European heritage. Participants are going to live in a camp and holiday homes, commute by bike and explore rural lifestyle. In between we are going to focus on current topics of EU, like Euroscepticism, socio-economic situation of EU, protection of European heritage, solidarity and social inclusion in Europe. We would like to bring closer all these topics to the local people also for better understanding of unity in diversity concept.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Има административна такса участие, която е по 50 евро на участник.
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