Младежки обмен „Green Power – The power of youth “, Saint-Etienne, Франция 21.10- 01.11. 2019
Младежки обмен „Green Power – The power of youth “, Saint-Etienne, Франция 21.10- 01.11. 2019
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага младежки обмен „ THERE IS MORE POWER IN UNITY THAN IN DIVERSITY “, POGGIARDO, Италия , финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 21.10- 01.11. 2019 с включени дати за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 5 младежи на възраст 18 -30 години.
Прилагам кратка информация за проекта:
We are confronted to major climatic changes, where the renewable energy sources offer novel solutions to manage the adaptation problems and at the same time live up to the principles of sustainable development. Moreover, the environmental, economic and immigration-related consequences of the above mentioned changes prove that it is urgent for all of us to maintain and develop various initiatives which combine ecological and civil society perspectives and rely on these energy sources, promoting the ecological transition of our modern societies. Our project in hand titled “Green Power, the Power of Youth” touches on a crucial cause of our near future on a world scale : the renewable energy sources and the management of Energy. There is, in Europe, a great potential for the development of the renewable energy sources. They present 2 assets : they are unbounded and not polluting and they also can provide the Youth with novel perspectives. The number of jobs related with the renewable energy sources is on the increase. Developing young people’s competences in this sector favors their chances of employment on the local, regional, national and international levels. Similarly, the opportunity for the young people to meet each other, share good practices and innovative ideas about social entrepreneurship projects as regards “green energy” confer a dynamic frame of action in favor of the sustainable development and the general economic context. In order for us to keep in with this transition in a complex energy environment, we deem it important to launch some activities which raise the youth’s awareness and promote citizenship initiatives among the broad civil society, centering on a consumption mode respectful of the environment.
In that purpose, a 10 days-exchange of young people will be held at St Etienne (France) in October 2019. In that exchange, 48 young people from 9 partner countries will take part. As these young people will come together, they will profit by each other’s views about the environment, the renewable energy sources and the outlook for energy matters as well as job chances in Europe in this field. The main aim is that these young participants and the local communities at large should enhance their awareness about environmental protection and the renewable energy sources importance for the future of our society on a local and European scale. This mobility will keep to the principle of “think globally, act locally”. The young beneficiaries will be encouraged to come up with their own local initiatives in favor of the youth, exchange good practices and induce the beneficiaries of their activities into actions which inform and educate the public at large in eco-friendly attitudes. Our main ambition is to stabilize the behavioral changes concerning the respect to the environment and to focus on sustainable ways of producing, using and consuming energy within the help of informal education’s approach.
Saint-Étienne is a French city located in the southeastern quarter of the country, in the department of the Loire, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. With 171,924 inhabitants in 2016, it is the 13th most populated city in France.
The city lies on the Furan Valley, which has its source in the Pilat Mountains, at the south of the city. A part of the municipality’s territory belong to the Pilat Regional Natural Park.
Long known as the French city of “weapon, cycle and ribbon” and a major coal mining center (and for its football team !), Saint-Etienne is currently engaged in a vast program of urban renewal to lead the transition from an Industrial city heritage inherited from the nineteenth, century to that of “capital of design” of the twenty-first century. This approach was recognized with the entry of Saint-Etienne into the network of UNESCO Creative Cities in 2010.
– To exchange ideas, experiences, knowledge and good practices on the value and use of renewable energies
– To promote the use of renewable energies
– To encourage the active participation of young people to become multipliers and get positive attitudes and responsible behavior
– To allow young people to exchange and produce innovative entrepreneurial ideas in terms of green energies
– To have a good intercultural time
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Административна такса участие към изпращащата организация, която е по 60 евро на участник.
/Част от таксата ще бъде дарена за развитие на МЛАДЕЖКА МЕДИЙНА ГРУПА!/
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ + снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!