Младежки обмен “Let’s get a job!”, Хорезу, РУМЪНИЯ 21-31 октомври 2019
Младежки обмен “Let’s get a job!”, Хорезу, РУМЪНИЯ
21-31 октомври 2019
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага младежки обмен “Let’s get a job!”, Хорезу, РУМЪНИЯ , финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 21-31 октомври 2019 и ще пътуват от България 7 младежи на възраст от 18 -30 години.
Прилагам кратка информация за проекта:
The organizers:
“Initiative Sociale” Association is a NGO that has been created in July 2012 by the founders who wish to produce changes in youth mentalities and to motivate the young generation to cooperate for a better society and to motivate them in taking initiative.
“Initiative Sociale” is an association of young people and its mission is to promote and implement non-formal programs for the young generation.
Our objectives and mission are to create and develop national and international youth exchanges, programs to promote European partnership among young people, professional development of European standards and practice, to organize summer schools and conferences, to promote social initiatives among young people, to create and develop different programs regarding orientation and professional counseling.
We would also like to concentrate on promoting social economy and social entrepreneurship; we would like to offer support and provide technical assistance to young people who want to start a business, especially the social business initiatives.
Also, we would like to provide support in creation and development of programs for democracy among young people and will promote the concept of Active European Citizenship.
Another objective is to create partnerships with private companies, NGOs and public institutions to create projects for our community and social initiatives among young people.
The project:
The “Let’s get a job!” project is a multilateral youth exchange organized under the Erasmus+ framework, that will be held in Horezu, Romania, from October 21 to October 31 2019 (including travel days).
During 9 days, 36 young people and 6 group leaders coming from 6 different EU countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey) will meet to exchange experiences, to learn and to focus on finding solutions to include the young people on the labour market.
The purpose of the project is to increase the level of knowledge, skills and competences (to know how to write a proper CV, a cover letter, to know how to apply for a job or how to attend an interview) to become active on the labour market for 36 young people, aged 18-30 years and 6 group leaders (no age limit) of the 6 participating countries
The aim of the project will be achieved through the following specific objectives:
SO1. To raise awareness among 42 participants about the importance of young labour market and their role in the shaping of the future European society.
SO2. To give to 42 participants proper motivation, information and space in order to exchange ideas, thoughts and strategies that may lead them to become more productive members of their communities.
SO3. During mobility, the 42 participants will have a well-developed Europass CV and a cover letter that can be adapted for different jobs.
SO 4: During the YE, the 42 participants will understand the steps they need to follow to get/ attend an interview and to improve their communication skills during the interview.
In addition, the priority of this project aims to stimulate youngsters to take initiative and meets their needs by developing basic and transversal skills (skills needed to get hired). Also, after participating in this exchange, the youngsters will better understand their role in society and in the future of Europe as they will learn about the need to develop activities in order to create new work opportunities and involvement both at economic and social level.
During this youth exchange, each country involved will present it situation on youth labour market. Thus, due to the activities proposed, our project meets the needs of the young people; among their needs we can include: access to information, involvement and active participation, tolerance, solidarity, awareness of the importance for being active on the labour market in the current economic context and their role in shaping the future of european society, the need to have a job and so on.
Non-formal education methods suggested are designed to support the promotion of active citizenship among young people, to develop participatory attitude, to support reflection, tolerance and also the integration of intercultural differences. The non-formal methods included are various; these include verbal and non-verbal communication, visual communication, written communication. The youngsters whom participate in this exchange will also receive at the end of the mobility, the Youthpass certificate, that validates the competencies acquired through the participation in the project activities.
Referring further to the results of this project, we can highline in the category of measurable indicators the following:
– 1 blog – blog to be accessed by internet users interested in youth mobility in general and / or the project topic in particular,
– 1 Facebook page dedicated to this youth exchange only,
– 5 videos outlining the youth labour market in Europe (youth unemployment and solution identified to fight against this problem),
– 1 video presentation about YE.
* The Youth Exchange is a project where young people work and live together in an international group for a specific time. It consists of preparation, implementation, and follow-up activities. For the duration of the Youth Exchange, young people undertake a joint programme of activities with specific aims and objectives.
Youth Exchanges foster the mobility of young people in Europe. They encourage initiative and creativity in young people, facilitate their active participation in the project, and thereby provide an intercultural learning experience.
Please, keep in mind that this project is NOT a training course (so, there will not be trainers and we will not have guests like experts, teachers and so on); this project is a YOUTH EXCHANGE.
The best way to arrive in Romania is by plane.
So, if the arrival in Bucharest will be at the Henri Coanda Airport (OTP) (http://www.bucharestairports.ro/index.php?lang=en), please use the buses 783 (for Main Square) and 780 (the main train station – Gara de Nord) to go to the city (you have ticket vendors in the station). At the airport everything is quite easy to figure out and buses to the city are functioning until 23:45 o’clock.
As a piece of advice, don’t change too much money inside the airport (5-10 euro is more than enough to get your whole group to the city!) and don’t take any taxis, especially if the taxi driver approaches you in the Arrivals Hall!
After arriving in Bucharest you have to go to Militari Bus Station to take the bus
(www.autogari.ro; www.cditransport.ro) to Horezu (you will travel by bus for 4-5 houres).
Do not worry there will be someone from our organization guiding you to the bus station.
The arrival day at Horezu must be 21 October 2019 before 6:00 PM.
The departure back to Bucharest will be on 31 October 2019 in the morning, so make sure you have flights that leave around 6:00 PM at the earliest or if possible in the next day.
Of course, if you want you can stay 1-2 days before/after the mobility in order to visit Bucharest, our Capital city, but you have to pay by yourself for those extra days.
Reimbursement procedure:
- For the reimbursement, the participants must keep all the tickets, boarding passes and other travel documents and submit them to the group leader.
We will reimburse your travel expenses only if you bring/send us all original:
- invoices,
- e-tickets,
- proof of payment (if you pay in cash you have to bring us the receipt, but if you pay online you have to bring us the bank statement),
- boarding passes!
It is very important that every person brings all his/ her travel and financial documents, otherwise the reimbursement is NOT possible!
Reimbursement will be done after we will receive all required documents (in original) for each participant (for round trip).
We strongly encourage you to buy flights for which you can do online check-in, because in this way you will be able to give us the return boarding passes as well, without having to send them to us by post when you return home! Of course, if for your airline is not possible, you still need to send us the boarding passes by post after the project.
- Each group should upload all travel and financial documents (receipts, invoices and scanned forms of the tickets) in Dropbox folder that the coordinating organization will provide.
- The sending organization will collaborate with the leader to fill out the reimbursement request.
- The coordinating organization will make all the payments via bank transfer in the bank accounts of the sending organization, according to the rules of Erasmus+.
The venue:
The venue of our project is Horezu, a small town in Vâlcea County, 220 km away from Bucharest. We will be accommodated at the Horezu Inn.
– There will usually be 2 persons in one room, maybe some rooms will host a maximum of 3 persons.
– The rooms have their own bathrooms;
– All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) are covered through the project and in some days we will have lunch packs.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 180 евро.
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ + снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!