Младежки обмен “Mind the APP” в Schio (VI),Италия 03-11 септември 2018
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага младежки обмен “Mind the APP” в Schio (VI),Италия, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 03-11 септември 2018 и ще пътуват от България 4 младежи на възраст от 15 -18 години + 1 ръководител над 18г.
Участващи държави: България, Италия, Хърватия, Финландия, Полша, Унгария и Испания
Очаквайте скоро официалното стартиране на радио START. Ще можете да слушате всички телевизионни предавания на МЛАДЕЖКА МЕДИЙНА ГРУПА и в аудио вариант!
Прилагам информация за проекта:
▪ Behave as responsible person;
▪ Able to actively attend the entire duration of the course;
▪ Able to attend 100% of the program;
▪ Able to respect time table of the educational activity;
▪ Settle all the agreed obligations regarding travel costs;
▪ Promote healthy life styles;
▪ Respect others and ensure basic rights and freedoms to participants and trainers that all
▪ People are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, race,
religion, language, or other status;
▪ Respect time and content framework;
▪ Willing to transfer knowledge to the members of his/her organization;
▪ Take care of working space and training material;
▪ Be responsible for personal and others safety;
The organizational team keeps the right to exclusion of participant from the exchange or influence the reimbursement of the ticket of participant in case that participant does not respect the responsibilities of the exchange.
During the Youth Exchange participants will be lodged in a very nice and comfortable house in a green area on the hill of Schio, in Vicenza province. The house has 3 big rooms with bunk beds. You will share room (around 10 people for each room) only with representatives of the same gender. Showers and toilets are on both the two floors of the house.
Pillows, linen and blankets are provided, but DON’T forget to bring your TOWEL, since it is not provided. There is no wi-fi in the house since the signal is very bad.
The date will be from 03 th – 11th of September 2018 (including arrival and departure days). The venue will be the San Gaetano Village in Bosco del Tretto, Schio (Vicenza).
Check IN Time: 03 th September from 15:00h/ Check OUT Time: 11
Here are some pictures of the place:
More pictures and the detail information here:
Accommodation and meals will be covered by the project, same as the foreseen activities.
We will be hosted in a San Gaetano’s Village, where possibly there will be more young people and children developing other workshops and activities. This means that, during the exchange, smoking, drinking alcohol or consuming any other harmful substance it is forbidden in the Elvira’s House and the surroundings. So please, be aware of the space and take care of it!
– Participants will have to bring their own towels (bed sheets are provided).
– There is no possibility to extend your stay at San Gaetano’s Village.
– It is forbidden to smoke in the building.
– It is absolutely forbidden to consume alcohol.
– Participants have to respect Villaggio San Gaetano installations, the rooms and the common areas. If they break something they will pay for that.
– It’s forbidden to consume food in the rooms or to take room out of the common dining
– Participants are not allowed to move furniture.
– It’s forbidden to make noise after 12 at night and before 8.00 in the morning.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Има административна такса участие, която е по 60 евро на участник.
/Таксата се използва за администриране дейността на фондацията по подготовка, реализиране и последващи дейности по проекта, както и за изпълнение на всички задължения на изпращащата организация, съобразно ръководството на програмата „Еразъм +“./
Който проявява интерес, моля в срок да изпрати СВ + снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!
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