19-28 юли 2023
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага семинар “CIRCULAR ECONOMY” СТРАСБУРГ, ФРАНЦИЯ, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Семинарът ще бъде през периода 19-28 юли 2023 и ще пътуват от България 4 участници на възраст над 18 години- няма горна граница на възрастта.
Кратка информация за проекта:
Climate change is a global emergency that each of the European, Mediterranean and Caucasian partners is seeing in its context in a widespread way: multiple heat waves, carbon emissions, soil and water pollution, floods, disappearance of ecosystems and biodiversity. Moreover, according to an EU report, by 2025, 67% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas, with an acute need for food.
At the same time, Europe and its neighboring partner countries are experiencing high levels of unemployment among young people (18-25 years old) in urban areas, especially those with fewer opportunities, including women, migrants, refugees or asylum seekers, who constitute the target group of our respective structures. This is why we want to act with and for youth workers and disadvantaged youth who need awareness, support, professional capacity building and social inclusion in a meaningful and income generating activity. Urban agriculture refers to both a set of agricultural activities practiced in urban areas and a citizen movement of responsible reappropriation of urban space for healthy food, local production and consumption with short circuits as an essential and innovative lever of economic development contributing to job creation, the emergence of young entrepreneurs, the integration of entrepreneurs, the integration of people at risk of social exclusion and the improvement of socio-educational and educational activities.
The main objective of the project is to develop key and transversal competences (knowledge, attitudes and skills) of 44 young people and youth leaders (from Europe, MEDA and Caucasus) in the implementation of non-formal education youth initiatives and projects related to circular economy , improving their personal, professional development, their participation in society as active and responsible citizens, promoting their employability in the labor market and improving the quality of their work
- Icebreaker activities and language breakthrough workshops
- Introduction of participants (and their sending organizations)
- Intercultural evening
- Interactive workshops on issues related to circular economy
- Roundtable discussion and conference
- Visits and immersion in local communities
- Meetings with local personalities, sharing and working on good practices
- Focus groups
- Presentation of the funding mechanisms of the Erasmus+
- -Stimulate understanding of sustainable development, circular/linear/functional economy, global warming and carbon emissions, ecological footprint, green entrepreneurship, eco- citizenship, disadvantaged youth, employability, start-up;
- Identify and understand the contexts and needs of youth workers in The Circular Economy and its Sustainable Development Challenges Generating Jobs and Experiences for Youth JAMO
- Share and exchange experiences, solutions and best practices related to the circular economy facilitating and improving the socio-educational and vocational inclusion of disadvantaged young people;
- Provide participants with fewer opportunities for skills in supporting young people andtools to promote employability through capacity building and autonomy;
- Multiply synergies between different actors (young people, civil society, local authorities, elected representatives,decision-makers, companies, media) to identify job potential in the circular economy;
- Capitalizing and creating tangible tools with a multiplier effect for youth workers facilitating an innovative and creative ecological transition including young people on the labor market: an e-booklet on «the potential and niches of employment in the circular economy» and a tutorial «Young, I create from A to Z my start-up in the circular economy»;
- Develop new partnerships and an e-campaign promoting the circular economy and recommendations by ensuring maximum dissemination to young people, NGOs, media, elected officials, decision makers, public authorities and the general public (consumers and consumer chambers).
Пълната информация за проекта можете да изтеглите и разгледате от ТУК
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
По проекта има следните такси:
-Такса към посрещащата организация, която предварително НЕ се заплаща, а се приспада от направените транспортните разходи на участника: 60 евро на участник;
-Такса към изпращащата организация- 60 евро на участник.
ВАЖНО: Гаранция за участие в проекта е предварителна селекция на участника от изпращащата организация и внесена административна такса за участие в размер на 60 евро към изпращащата организация!
Който проявява интерес и е сигурен в своята възможност за участие, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org