Тренинг курс “Employed” Рига, Латвия 23.03- 01.04 2022
Тренинг курс “Employed” Рига, Латвия
23.03- 01.04 2022
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага тренинг курс “Employed” Рига, Латвия, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Тренинг курсът ще бъде през периода 23.03- 01.04 2022 с включени дни за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 4 участници (ваксинирани срещу COVID-19) на възраст над 18 години- няма горна граница на възрастта.
Кратка информация за проекта:
Themes of the training course:
The methodology of the training course: our training course will be based on experiential learning process according to the requirements of non – formal educational settings. Experienced trainer’s team will challenge participants to step into their stretching zones in order to experience and practice creative and innovative learning approaches and methods then make them able to adapt the newly gained competence into their daily EN work and lives. The training content will be learner – centred, the starting point will be the self – assessment of participants. Programme flow will be:
- Starting from Me as competence development;
- Put theories into practice regarding myself;
- Put theories into practice regarding to my target group as young people in NEET and/or local/transnational volunteers;
- Sharing and exchanging good practices for competence development of my target group;
- Preparing open educational resources as methods for competence development of young people in NEET through local or European voluntary activities;
- Inventing new local and transnational voluntary projects according to the proposals of Erasmus + programme and European Solidarity Corps with special focus on self – directed learning and other creative and innovative methods for competence development of young people in NEET.
The overall aim of the training course is:
Our project will aim at learning, sharing, experiencing and practicing creative and innovative non – formal educational methods, tools and techniques with special focus on self – directed learning within local and transnational voluntary youth projects in order to give a chance for young people in NEET to participate in a service where they can develop and improve their competences in more learner – centred and attractive ways.
Learning objectives of the training course are:
– To explore and adapt the at least 11best practices of voluntary youth work from the participated 11 countries;
– To share and explore 30 innovative youth work methods, tools and techniques regarding to self – directed learning within local and European voluntary work among EU, Western Balkan and EECA countries;
– To be able to offer more attractive educational possibilities for young people in NEET as self – directed and social learning within local and transnational experiences;
The methodology of the training course:
The training course will be based on methodology of self – directed learning as non –formal educational tool for self – development of young people in NEET and adapt it into our local and transnational voluntary youth projects. Besides this, we will share and experience other non – formal educational methods, tools and techniques what we use in our local and transnational voluntary youth projects as good practices. So our project will aimed at learning, sharing, experiencing and practicing creative and innovative non – formal educational methods, tools and techniques with special focus on self – directed learning within local and transnational voluntary youth projects in order to give a chance for young people in NEET to participate in a service where they can develop and improve their competences in more learner – centred and attractive ways.
Who can participate in the training course:
– Above 18 and there is no upper age limit;
– Youth workers, youth leaders, social workers, municipality youth workers, having experience of working with different European youth projects as Erasmus+ programme;
– Ready to take part in the whole TC and take facilitator role for certain workshop;
– Be able to communicate English.
– Participants shall have a valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate Recovery Certificate;
Participants: 4/country
Financial conditions:
Austria: 275 euros/participant
Bulgaria: 275 euros/participant
Romania: 275 euros/participant
Hungary: 275 euros/participant
Belgium: 275 euros/participant
Greece: 360 euros/participant
Czech Republic: 275 euros/participant
Estonia: 180 euros/participant
Poland: 275 euros/participant
Italy: 360 euros/participant
Please note that arrival day is on the 23 March and departure is on the 1st of April.
Financial conditions:
The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. Travels costs will be counted based on the distance calculator of European Commission and reimbursed either by bank transfer after the course or at the end of the course in cash (in Euros €). It may be that money from European Commission will be late; in that case, as mentioned, you will get your reimbursement after the course by bank transfer (be ready for that).
Legal requirements relating to travel to Latvia:
All persons travelling to Latvia must fill out an electronic form on the Covidpass.lv website not earlier than 48 hours before entering Latvia and provide the requested information concerning vaccination or recovery from COVID-19. Restrictions on entry to Latvia depend on the country the person is travelling from and on whether the person has been vaccinated, or recovered from COVID-19.
For further details, updates or possible changes, please look up the https://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/consular-information/news/66019-emergency-situation-in-latvia-to-restrict-the-spread-of-covid-19 site, where you can find official updates from the Latvian government.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
По проекта има такса към изпращащата организация- 50 евро на участник.
ВАЖНО: Гаранция за участие в проекта е предварителна селекция на участника от изпращащата организация и внесена административна такса за участие в размер на 50 евро към изпращащата организация!
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!