Тренинг курс “For Better Evaluation in Non formal education” в Левкада, Гърция 13-24.06 2023
Тренинг курс
“For Better Evaluation in Non formal education”
в Левкада, Гърция 13-24.06 2023
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага тренинг курс “For Better Evaluation in Non formal education” в Левкада, Гърция, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Тренинг курсът ще бъде през периода 13-24.06 2023 с включени дни за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 2 участници над 18 години. Няма горна граница на възрастта!
Кратка информация за проекта:
Innovative evaluation methods in Non formal education context: The course will provide insight at the developments at European & international level as well as at quality assurance and evaluation methodologies applied in non formal education.
Context, Issues and Needs:
Evaluation is an inherent part of everyday thinking and problem-solving processes. Let us assume that we identify an interesting fact, give it a value and place it in a certain position OR action. The problem is not so much whether one evaluates, since people do it at least implicitly anyway, but how to evaluate more explicitly, in a more accurate and effective way.
The application of existing evaluation methods to non-formal education raises three types of adaptation problems. These problems are particularly revealing in this context:
– The first problem is that these evaluation methods often focus on the outcomes of the programmes and little on the inputs OR the ongoing process.
– The second problem is that existing evaluation procedures are often not really adapted to the context of non-formal education context.
– Thirdly, most methods are not sufficiently adapted to be used by programme staff and/or young people. Programmes where systematic internal evaluation takes place are rare, apart from the usual questionnaires and observations.
This is true whether one is trying to gain a deeper knowledge of these programmes and to measure their effectiveness, or whether one is trying to bring out new ideas of real value for the improvement of non formal activities.
For evaluation by youth workers to be more viable, methodological options must be more specifically directed towards formative goals and adapted to the conditions of non-formal education.
These versions should be simple enough to be used by youth educators who are not used to this practice, who have time constraints, but at the same time they should be easy to use, but at the same time able to produce results that are at least more accurate and useful than those obtained during superficial observations.
The aim of what follows is to identify more fully what might be considered in the development of forms of evaluation that the programme educator /facilitator / tutor would employ himself.
As non-formal education programmes touch on many areas, it is important to explore different options for a variety of programme needs and constraints.
On the other hand, and with the evolution of non-formal education methods for young people which currently alternate between on-site activities (exchanges, volunteering, training, job shadowing … ) and distance activities via (platforms, applications, learning webinars … ), the evaluation methods proposed by the youth workers should adapt to this change in order to preserve the appropriate efficiency and usefulness of the evaluation act.
In this context, we want to organise a transnational training that brings together 36 youth educators/ animators/ tutors/ supervisors/ facilitators and youth project coordinators from 18 European and other countries of the world, in order to exchange their practices and develop their competences on the subject. During the training, they will create a portfolio for the target audience offering various innovative evaluation methods in the context of hybrid and blended non-formal education for youth.
Пълната информация за проекта можете да изтеглите и разгледате от ТУК
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 275 евро.
Има следните такси от участниците:
- Към посрещащата организация- 25 евро;
- Към изпращащата организация- 60 евро.
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!