Младежки обмен “Think Smarter”, Pervolia, Кипър 19 – 27 февруари, 2025
Младежки обмен “Think Smarter”,
Pervolia, Кипър 19 – 27 февруари, 2025
Фондация „Звезден старт на таланти“ като изпращаща организация предлага интересен младежки обмен “Think Smarter”, Pervolia, Кипър, финансиран по програма Еразъм+.
Младежкият обмен ще бъде през периода 19 – 27 февруари, 2025 с включени дни за пътуване и ще пътуват от България 7 участници на възраст (18-30 г.) + 1 ръководител на група (18+).
APV: 6-8 декември 2024 г
Информация за проекта:
Project Summary:
The youth exchange “THINK SMARTER” will bring together 56 people from 7 EU countries to take part in learning and socializing activities without the use of technology.
The role of the project is dual, as it will improve participants’ social skills and learning capacities in “traditional” yet pleasant and instructive ways. The youth exchange will take place in Pervolia village, Cyprus. Pervolia is located in Larnaca area, near the sea, making it an ideal place to relax, meet new people, gain new knowledge and enjoy sea nature.
- To inform, sensitize and activate young people in the field of alternative ways of learning, without the use of digital tools.
- To allow young people to socialize in a safe, non-judgmental environment and deliver their acquired social and civic skills to everyday situations.
- To promote mutual respect and understanding among people from different backgrounds, as well as intercultural dialogue and cooperation.
- To promote young people’s freedom for initiative, team spirit, mutual trust and self-development.
- To improve young people’s creativity, inventive skills and innovative thinking.
- To teach young people how to “unlearn” in order to learn and let others learn.
- To empower participants through AI literacy and critical thinking.
The above objectives will be achieved with the use of several activities and tools based on the participants’ individual needs and common interests. To begin with, the fact that the participants will be invited to spend a week with people from other countries and with a different cultural, educational and socio-economic background will be a challenging, yet instructive experience, which will allow the exchange of thoughts, knowledge, ideas and skills and promote socialization, civic skills, intercultural dialogue and solidarity. The project promotes non-formal learning, and concentrated on the ways of deradicalisation and building the intercultural bridges. The outdoor actions of the project will promote intercultural understanding and solidarity and media literacy. This project aims also on supporting participating youngsters on identifying “fake news”, in online level. By analyzing and tracking this phenomena, following the sharing of tools to young people on how to identify “fake news” in online media. Youngsters from participating countries will gain the capacity to identify the various “fake news” which exist in the digital world. Additionally, it is targeting on empowering the critical thinking, of young people by sharing methods, on how to identify the sources of news, while not accepting every piece of information they confront with. On top of that, the suggested project plans on strengthening the civ education competencies of the participating youngsters, by equipping them with the necessary skills to participate, in a more structures and informed way, in a democratic processes in national, European and global level.
Participants profile:
- Responsible youngsters aged between 18-30
- Have a good or basic level of English
- Eager to accumulate knowledge and develop new skills and competencies that they will then share with others
- Committed to participate in ALL phases of the project.
- Promote a positive attitude at the group level, active engagement, and teamwork.
- Gender balance and group diversity in terms of different social and cultural backgrounds should be taken into consideration
Team leaders will be responsible for their group and their needs, and will help facilitate the whole project by giving advice, and coordinating communication between us, the project organizers, and the participants.
Project Details:
Hosting organization: Youth Dynamics Cyprus
Venue of the project: Pervolia, Larnaca, Cyprus
APV Dates: 6-8 Dec., 2024
Youth Exchange Dates: 19 – 27 February, 2025 (incl. travel days)
Number of participants: 8 participants per partner country (7 participants + 1 group leader) Age: 18 – 30 years old. No age limit for the group leader (18+)
Participant countries: Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria
Language: Project will be run in English.
The youth exchange will take place at Journalistic Village, in Pervolia. This accommodation is situated near the beach, and the apartments are furnished with a private bathroom, a kitchen equipped with a fridge, air conditioning, and central Wi-Fi. The venue consists of small flats with 1 or 2 bedrooms. Each flat can accommodate 4-7 people. The location has a spacious activity room designated for the workshops, as well as a restaurant named Enalia which will provide all the meals throughout the day and snacks during snack breaks.
Travel Costs:
The training course is funded through the Erasmus+ programme. This means that accommodation, food, materials, project activities, and travel costs (up to the amount indicated below) are fully covered.
** Accommodation and meals will only be provided during the project dates. Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodations and meals for any additional days beyond those specified.
In order to receive reimbursement, please keep ALL original documents of transportation (invoices, tickets, boarding passes, etc.). The money will be reimbursed via bank transfer to the sending organisation, after submitting all the original documents, and upon completion of the Mobility Tool+.
Only the cheapest means of transport/ economy fares are subject to reimbursement.
The project’s budget will NOT cover the following costs: Taxi, Personal Car, Parking, Personal Costs.
Your trip must start from your home country.
If you want to arrive 1 day earlier or leave 1 day after the project, you will have to cover the extra cost of accommodation and food by yourself.
DO NOT buy your tickets without having prior confirmation from the coordinator.
There is a participation fee of 20 EUR to cover additional costs and 2-day trips to other cities in Cyprus.
Travel budgets:
309euro: Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania
395euro: Lithuania
- What to bring:
Original tickets, boarding passes, passports - European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
- Personal medication
- Power adaptors suitable for Cyprus’ 240 Volt/50Hz, with 3-pin electricity plus socket
- National products for the Intercultural Nights and other materials
- Comfortable clothing and shoes
- Personal care products (shampoo, comb, hairdryer)
- A laptop per country (for workshops and intercultural nights)
Travel Guide:
The venue is closest to Larnaca airport, while Paphos airport is also available but transportation to the venue is more difficult.
Note that Ercan Airport in the Northern part of Cyprus is not covered by the European Union for travel expenses. Therefore, we request that you book flights to either Larnaca or Paphos, as these are the only two legal airports in Cyprus that are eligible for reimbursement.
По проекта се поемат следните разходи:
-100 % от настаняване и храна;
-100% от транспортните разходи до лимита за транспорт от 309 евро.
По проекта има следнит такси:
1.Такса към посрещащата организация в размер на 20 евро- Таксата се използва за покриване на допълнителни разходи и еднодневни екскурзии до други градове в Кипър.
2. Такса към изпращащата организация в размер на 70 евро:
ВАЖНО: Гаранция за участие в проекта е предварителна селекция на участника от изпращащата организация и внесена административна такса за участие в размер на 70 евро към изпращащата организация!
Който проявява интерес, моля да изпрати СВ+ снимка на английски или български език на имейл: YouthExchange@zst-bg.org
Моля, само сигурни участници да изпращат своите кандидатури!
ПОДОБРИ своето психическо, физическо и социално благополучие!
За какво можем да помогнем:
- Облекчаване на болката и намаляване на стреса;
- Премахване на безпокойство и депресия;
- Подобряване на съня;
- Подобряване на имунната система;
- Изгаряне на калории и мазнини;
- Преодоляване на настинка и грип;
- Лимфна система;
- Кожни заболявания;
- Урологични заболявания;
- Очни заболявания;
- Заболявания на опорно – двигателния апарат и травми;
Това е само малка извадка от широкия спектър на действие на GLP ЗВУКОЧЕСТОТНА МУЗИКОТЕРАПИЯ.
- Клиника по физикална и рехабилитационна медицина на УМБАЛ «Царица Йоанна – ИСУЛ»
- МЦ„Месемврия“ – медицински център по физиотерапия за здраве, дълголетие и рехабилитация, находящ се в гр. София, ул. „Черковна“ №105.
- Отделение по кожни и венерически болести на МБАЛ „Скин Системс“ ЕООД. Разположено е в база 2 на Лечебното заведение и се намира в гр. Елин Пелин, ул. „Здравец“ №15, ет.2.